Parker Creek Ranch Grass-fed, Grass-finished Beef
Grass-fed, grass-finished. We adhere to a strict forage only protocol. Our cattle never receive grains, grain by-products, or animal by-products.
Unique genetic cross that yields tender, flavorful beef. Parker Creek Ranch along with our partner producers utilize a unique genetic cross that gives our cattle the ability to thrive on the dry, drought prone rangelands of South Texas. Our cattle finish at about 30 months old ensuring you a nutrient dense, marbled, quality product that is packed with flavor.
Holistic planned grazing. We rotate them frequently utilizing holistic planned grazing to ensure fresh grazing, proper rest for our pastures, soil health, and environmental stewardship.
Low-stress stockmanship principles. Our animal welfare goes beyond the pasture by utilizing sound stockmanship principles when handling our cattle from the catch pens to the processor.
Born, raised and grazed in Texas. Our ranch is located an hour West of San Antonio. We also source from cooperative producers in South Texas who we have been working with us for over a decade.
Chemical free. Our cattle are raised on land that is chemical free. We don’t use synthetic fertilizers, weedkiller, glyphosate or other harmful chemicals. These practices are degenerative to the land and harmful to humans.
No antibiotics or hormones. As part of our animal welfare standards sick animals may be treated with antibiotics. This rarely happens, and in that case that it does we immediately remove them from the herd and they never enter our food chain. Our cattle are vaccinated with FDA approved killed virus or modified live virus vaccines. We do not use mRNA vaccines (these are not approved for use in livestock by the FDA).
Food security. When you buy your beef from us you know exactly where it came from. Stock your freezer with healthy, nutritious beef to feed your family.
Customer Service. We have been supplying bulk beef to our community for 15 years. We are here to help you make the process of buying bulk food an easy, enjoyable experience.
Custom Whole or Half Beef
Up to date as of March 3, 2024
Custom Beef Questions & Answers
*Please read through all of this very carefully. If you have more questions or concerns please send us an email - or call/text (830) 426-9232.
How much does a Half Beef cost?
$6.00/lb hanging carcass weight
Estimated hanging carcass weight (HCW) 250 to 360 lbs
Estimated take home is about 55% of the HCW, or approximately 140 to 200 lbs
Total price estimate $1,500 to $2,160 on the HCW
Price estimate DOES NOT include processing or shipping costs
How much does a Whole Beef cost?
$5.80/lb hanging carcass weight
Estimated hanging weight 500 to 725 lbs
Estimated take home is about 55% of the HCW, or approximately 275 to 400 lbs
Total price estimate $2,900 to $4,200 on the HCW
Price estimate DOES NOT include processing costs or shipping costs
What is the hanging carcass weight?
This is the weight after the blood, hide, head and other inedible parts are removed. The hanging weight is about 55% of the live weight. That does not include offal.
Why use the hanging carcass measurement?
We use this weight measurement because we are not selling individual retail cuts but instead are selling by the half or whole animal. It is the most fair way for you and us to conduct the transaction.
What is the hanging carcass weight vs boxed weight?
Hanging Carcass Weight (HCW): This is the weight of the butchered animal as it hangs in the locker to dry age. This weight does not include the organs, head, hide, hooves, blood and innards, which have been removed.
Boxed Weight: This is the net weight of the meat you will receive that is packaged and ready for your freezer. This is about 55% yield (THIS YIELD CAN VARY) of the hanging carcass weight.
Who do you use for processing and how does it work?
Primo Processing updated their prices Mar 1, 2025. The current base processing fees are $1.50/lb on the HCW and $150 kill fee.
We use Primo’s Processing located in Hondo, TX. The butcher shop will communicate with you directly regarding the cut and wrap process and when they expect to have the meat ready for you. They will always strive to meet your preferred timeline. The custom cut and wrap fees for both butchers are around $1.50 per pound and charged on the hanging weight, plus a $150 kill fee. Depending on the exact hanging weight, cut and wrap charges (for a whole beef) will amount to approximately $900 to $1,250 (depending on the hanging carcass weight), paid directly to the butcher shop.
How do I know what each cut is or which part of the cow it comes from?
Here is a link to a really great video explaining all of the cuts: A Visual Guide to the Cuts of a Cow / Where Every Beef Cut Comes From / By the Bearded Butchers.
When is full payment due?
Full payment is due 14 days after your animal is delivered to the processor.
CASH, CHECK OR pay online via Square is preferred. Online payments with credit cards will be charged a 3% transaction fee.
How is the beef packaged?
Each individual cut is vacuum sealed and labeled to identify the cut.
It is then boxed in 40 lb boxes. Each box will be labeled with your name.
The meat will be frozen at -10°F.
How much freezer space does it take? 20 to 25 lbs of product needs approximately 1 cu. ft of freezer space.
What is the estimated Cost for a Whole or Half Beef?
When purchasing whole beef, it is important to understand the value you get with each meal. On a 500-pound hanging carcass weight, the take-home weight after processing will be about 275 pounds and that does not include bones and offal (approximately 55% yield of the hanging weight). The total cost paid to Parker Creek Ranch is about $2,900. The total processing fees paid to Primo Processing is about $900. The total estimated cost is about $3,800 for 275 lbs of red meat (plus bones and offal).
What do I get (these are estimates and each animal will vary on yield and cutting orders)?
20-25% Steaks
20-25% Roasts
40-45% Ground Beef
10-15% Other Cuts (including stew meat, bones, fat and offal)
Cut orders are fully customizable so these percentages can vary.
Next Steps
We require a $500 refundable deposit for a Whole Beef ($250 for a half beef). You can simply click on the links above to place your deposit.
Select the month you want your animal processed during checkout.
You will receive an email within a few weeks of your animal being delivered to the processor.
It’s time for you to get your freezer ready. Remember is takes about 1 cu ft of freezer space per 20 to 25 lbs of product.
We will help you fill out your cut sheet and turn it into Primo Processing.
You will receive a bill from Parker Creek Ranch for the remainder of your balance via Square. This is due within 14 days. You can pay by mailing a check or with a credit card on your Square bill.
Your order typically takes about 3 weeks from the time we drop off the animal at the processor to the time it’s ready to be picked up.
When you pick up your order you will pay Primo Processing for your processing costs.
Custom Half Beef Deposit. $6.00/lb hanging carcass weight (HCW). Estimated HCW of 250 to 360 lbs. Estimated take home (boxed) is 55% of the HCW (140 to 200 lbs). Total price estimate $1,500 to $2,160 (price DOES NOT include processing or shipping).