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Family owned and operated since 1846, Parker Creek Ranch is a working ranch located 50 miles West of San Antonio, Texas. We are committed to regenerative agriculture production and creating healthy habitats for livestock, wildlife and people. As stewards of the land our goal is to produce nutritious products for our community while designing and managing systems that will benefit the environment and future generations.
— Mandy & Travis Krause

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Read the Blog

Writing about farming, food and community with the intention of creating conscious discussion centered around regenerative agriculture.

Purchase Grass-fed Beef in Bulk

Learn about the grazing and animal welfare practices that make our grass-fed, grass-finished beef extraordinary. Click on the link below to purchase a Whole or Half Beef.


Learn about the land & the people

Learn about the history of our land, family and community and how we are striving to achieve land regeneration.

Purchase Grass-fed Lamb

Lamb is the newest addition to Parker Creek Ranch. We are ecstatic about being able to offer this special protein to you and your family. Click on the link below to purchase a Whole Lamb.

Are you frustrated by the lack of transparency, quality and integrity when searching for your food? Our promise to you is:

  • Quality - Food in its purest state is the most flavorful and nutritious available.

  • Transparency - “Customer verified” anyone is welcome to visit the farm (by appointment only).

  • Community - Relationships is what it's all about.

  • Stewardship - It is our responsibility to care for this land and the animals that inhabit it.

  • Ecological function - Every aspect of this land is interconnected and functions as a system. As producers we strive to help, not hinder, this process.
